crash repairs Edwardstown

K & A Auto Services’ Crash Repairs Edwardstown

If you need crash repairs Edwardstown, K & A are the guys for you. With over 30 years of experience, our team are dedicated to providing the most personalised service at the most reasonable price in Adelaide. Our customers are our priority and we guarantee to always go the extra mile to exceed the expectations of all our customers. Located on South Road near Castle Plaza, our professional crash repairs Edwardstown service will turn your understandably unpleasant experience into one of convenience and efficiency. When you book in your crash repairs Edwardstown, you will be talking to a qualified tradesman who understands your vehicle, and will likely be able to tell you what it needs before even taking a look. We guarantee to keep you up to date with the progress of your vehicle, and alert you to any changes along the way prior to taking action.

Crash Repairs Edwardstown – What We Do

If you are unfortunately involved in a road accident, you can place complete trust in K & A Auto Services’ crash repair Edwardstown facility, knowing the the job will get done, and it will get done the first time. Our staff are trained and experienced in all facets of crash repairs Edwardstown, with the skills to have your car back on the road in no time at all. If your vehicle is damaged beyond repair, we can assist in mediating with your insurance company to inform them of the extent of impairment. Insurance companies we assist in crash repairs Edwardstown include:







People also often ask whether or not their warranty will become void if they do not seek crash repairs through a dealership. This short answer is no – as long as your parts are replaced correctly and lubricants are used by a qualified technician, there will be no affect to your car’s warranty conditions.

Our Crash Repairs Edwardstown Process

K & A Auto Services crash repairs St Marys & Edwardstown service utilises the latest in technological innovation to facilitate a time efficient and cost effective process, while also not underrating the old-school skills that are so sadly lacking in the auto industry today. From your very first phone call with us, we will be able to provide you with an indicative quote based on our many years of crash repairs Edwardstown experience. Once we can physically see the extent of the damage, we will be able to offer you a more comprehensive quote, before ensuring it meets the requirements of your insurer. Once we have the go ahead to begin work, our experienced panel beaters will either replace of fix the damaged vehicle panels using the latest crash repairs Edwardstown tools and equipment. All clients are offered a loan car upon arrival, so you will not be left in the lurch while we repair the sustained damage.

Contact us to book your car in today
Phone: 08 8371 1595