brake repairs Edwardstown

K & A Auto Services Brake Repairs Edwardstown

Going to K & A Auto for your brake repairs Edwardstown is a choice you won’t regret, because we go above and beyond to make sure your experience on the road is faultless every time. As well as tending to your general log-book services, crash repairs, detailing, timing belts and more, we’re also highly experienced in full brake repairs St Marys . We conduct a variety of detailed tests and checks to see how efficient your brakes are, and whether your vehicle is performing accordingly. Our priority is your safety, and we hope to communicate that in the quality of our work. We also boast customer service skills that exceed many other businesses in our trade, and we take pride in answering any of your questions and queries to help you feel well-informed. We never expect our clients to come forth with extensive knowledge and address their own problems, so come to K & A for your brake repairs Edwardstown and we’ll rectify your concerns ASAP!

Do You Need Brake Repairs Edwardstown?

Coming to us for your brake repairs Edwardstown will heighten your safety, increase vehicle performance and prevent the depreciation of your vehicle. Brakes are often the core of our road safety, particularly when driving on long country roads or highways. To avoid potential accident on our roads, K & A Auto take brake repairs very seriously. We provide a variety of services to help monitor the performance of your brakes before problems arise. One of these services is fault diagnosis, where we directly address any issues you may be experiencing with your breaks by doing thorough checks. Whether they’re noisy, vibrating, sticking or low impact, we have the solution. Another of the important checks we undertake regularly is efficiency testing, where we give you an accurate percentage of your brake performance to notify you when a replacement is due. If you think you might require our brake repairs Edwardstown, book with one of our talented staff at K & A.

Why K & A Auto Services are the team you should trust

On top of our fault diagnosis and break efficiency testing, we provide more specialist services for brake repairs Edwardstown. We of course do a general service for your brakes, but we can also conduct system rebuilds, full part replacements, and additional services against corrosion. We can also cast-iron brake discs are subject to corrosion over time, but we can do a few things to slow down the process. One of these methods is applying an anti-corrosion treatment which prevents friction, and therefore degradation. These oil treatments come in different grades according to different vehicle needs; so, if this is something you would like to consider, have a chat with one of our friendly staff for all brake repairs Edwardstown. Brakes should only ever be handled by someone who has the correct training and certification to do so, as any misdiagnosis or fault in the repair could have a grave result. K & A assure you that our mechanics are responsible, reliable, and good at what they do.

Contact us to book your car in today
Phone: 08 8371 1595